
Gebker, M. (2023). More than human approach – Next Generation: Ecosystems of technology. Next Nature. Retrieved from https://next- actor?token=86c40c1486c9c9b88b1a6b1ff9d79fc180fcc0ec&utm_ campaign=later-linkinbio-nextnaturenetwork&utm_content=la- ter-30512978&utm_medium=social&

Gebker, M. (2022). Technology as an ecosystem actor [Conference talk]. Splintered Realities Rixc Art and Science Festival, Riga, Latvia.

Gebker, M. (2022). Technology as an ecosystem actor [Conference talk]. Digital Ecologies Conference, Bonn, Germany.

Gebker, M. (2021) Forest digital inclusion. Grüner Salon. Nantesbuch, Bad Heilbronn, Germany.